At PVS Ltd. we think of servicing as an essential part of the smooth, efficient, problem free running of your business.
An average service is just not acceptable.
For reliable, continued performance of your vacuum equipment PVS Ltd. have adopted exacting quality methodology and processes to ensure you have absolute confidence in your PVS Ltd. serviced equipment.
We offer a ‘free of charge assessment’ of your vacuum equipment.
Arrange to have your equipment shipped to us and we’ll let you know what is required to return it back to a fully operation condition.
We also offer Standard Overhaul fixed price servicing for easy budgeting purposes.
All equipment received at our facility goes through our Equipment Management Process,
- Strip, decontamination and inspection report produced
- Our ‘Standard Overhaul’ includes replacement of all service replacement components
- Any major component that is found to be outside of manufacturers specification we will advise and provide a cost of replacement in addition to the ‘Standard Overhaul’ price
- Rebuild replacing all service replacement components such as O-rings, gaskets, bearings, valves, vanes, tipseals, filters etc.
- Test to OEM specifications
- 12mth warranty
Our manufacturer trained technicians are experienced in inspecting and refurbishing a wide range of brands and types of vacuum equipment.
Edwards, Leybold, Alcatel/Adixen, Pfeiffer, Agilent/Varian, Busch, Rietschle, Becker, Stokes, Kinney, Welsh, Labconco, Savant, Thermo etc.
Rotary Vane, Scroll, Dry, Roots Blower/Booster, Diffusion, Piston, Diaphragm Pumps
Please contact us for a competitive quote and take advantage of our free of charge assessment service.